Your Surgery

Before Your Surgery

A nurse from the Center will contact you at least 24 hours before your surgery. If no one has called please call the Center for instructions. Notify your surgeon if there is a change in your physical condition such as a cold, fever or respiratory problems.

Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your operation, including no hard candy or gum. If your child is the patient, please be careful to enforce this. Also, please follow any other special instructions your surgeon may have given you. Failure to follow these instructions may result in cancellation of your surgery. Please be sure to tell your surgeon if you are on any type of blood thinners or aspirin. Please do not take any medications after midnight unless instructed by your surgeon or the nurse at our Center.
It is extremely important to arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home and remain with you the first 24 hours after surgery.

Day of Surgery

Wear loose, comfortable clothing, preferably a button down shirt/blouse. Wear comfortable shoes such as slip ons. Do not wear high heels.
You may need to change into a surgical gown. Only cotton underwear can be worn. Do not wear any jewelry (including body piercings), makeup or cologne. Do not bring any valuables with you. BRING YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE AND INSURANCE CARDS WITH YOU. IF YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY REQUIRES A CO-PAY, PLEASE BRING SOME FORM OF PAYMENT.

Wearing contact lenses is NOT advised. We provide containers for removable dentures and bridgework.
If your child is having surgery, feel free to bring a favorite stuffed animal or security blanket for added assurance.

After Your Surgery

You will be discharged to your car by wheelchair. If anesthesia has been administered, you must have a responsible adult present to drive you home and to care for you following surgery. Your physician will provide post-operative instructions regarding diet, rest, exercise and medications. You will be provided with a written summary of these discharge instructions.

A nurse from the Surgery Center will call you the day after your surgery to check on your progress and discuss any questions you may have. If you have any unexpected problems, please call your doctor. If you have an emergency please call 911.

Helpful Reminders

Please limit the number of family or friends who come with you. Seating is very limited. If you are driving more than 30 minutes, put one or two pillows in your car so you can elevate the operative extremity. Females will need to give a urine sample for a pregnancy test pre-operatively. If you or your family need the services of a foreign-language or hearing-impaired interpreter, please call to arrange for one at no cost to you, prior to the day of surgery.